First Light Community Foundation gives priority to applications providing a benefit to the citizens and organisations in the areas where the funds are raised.
Below are the different browsers that can be used to complete your application:
Yes. Please see the Terms and Conditions within the application.
No. Grants must be approved prior to any purchase/event/trip being undertaken. Retrospective grants will not be considered.
Payment will be direct credited to the recipient organisation's bank account. You will need to include a deposit slip with your application.
First Light Community Foundation grant records will be inspected and audited by the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA). The First Light Community Foundation is required to render details of all donations to DIA. Any grant application is made with the understanding that if any DIA officer so requests, the applicant organisation shall agree to and participate in any such inspection/audit.
The cut-off date for receiving your grant application at the office is 5.00pm on the last day of each month. If the application is not in the office on this date, then it is not accepted for the next month’s grant meeting and may be rolled over to the following month. The Directors generally meet on or about the 20th of each month and aim to confirm grant decisions within 1-2 working days of the meeting.
The First Light Community Foundation Board of Directors meet monthly to consider all funding applications. Decisions are made, taking into account, the available funds, the merit of the application, the compliance of the application, and the overall community benefit. Applications submitted in any given month will be considered at the Directors meeting of the following month. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
The First Light Community Foundation Board of Directors meet monthly to review grant applications. All approved, deferred and declined applications will receive notification by email 1-2 business days following the meeting. All applications will be retained by the Foundation. The results will also be published on the website.
The First Light Community Foundation requires an acknowledgement of grant form to be returned to the Foundation along with verification of expenditure (receipts etc.). The audit reconciliation must be returned to the Foundation within three months of the approval date. Failure to comply with the conditions will result in the Foundation seeking a full refund of the grant.
Grants are GST exclusive; no grant made by the First Light Community Foundation has GST content.
Any Charitable Organisations that furthers or improves local and national educational services, furthers or improves local and national amateur sport, promotes the advancement of culture or religion or contributes toward welfare assistance or the relief of poverty.
Social activities are not recognised as authorised purposes because they give a personal rather than community benefit. For example, a group of friends or acquaintances going on an annual ski trip cannot claim the trip is an authorised purpose just because there is an element of sport in an otherwise social activity. In contrast a genuine ski club that members of the public can join and that offers coaching and development programmes would be more likely to be an authorised purpose.
Professional sport cannot be an authorised purpose because of its commercial character.
Sometimes an activity is presented as a sporting activity, but its real nature is entertainment, social, personal gain or commercial.
DIA considers a bona fide sport to be one where the activity, club or organisation;
An incorporated organisation will usually find it easier to meet these criteria than an unincorporated group. The First Light Community Foundation is not permitted to fund either dress or training uniforms. Playing uniforms are allowable, and they must remain the property of the Club.
The Terms and Conditions have an itemised list of purposes that are unauthorised for grant consideration. Please keep in mind this list is not exhaustive. Feel free to contact the grants department if you have any specific questions. The Directors prefer to fund projects that will have a long-term benefit to the recipient organisation.
No, venue operators cannot make any decisions or recommendations about applications or receive completed application forms.
Yes, you must provide two competitive quotes for each item requested. When only supplying one quote you must provide a valid reason, for example, they are the only suppliers of this equipment in New Zealand. Being a sponsor is not a valid reason on its own.
Yes, you must seek approval from the Foundation if you are changing suppliers, please include a reason for this.
This is considered as retrospective and goods cannot be claimed before the approval date of the Board meeting.
To meet the DIA requirements all goods and services must be purchased within New Zealand and paid for in NZ currency.
Yes, if you have received funding from another source for the same purpose, the Foundation will require the Grant Applicant to repay that funding portion of it, if the total exceeds the amount for the stated purpose.
The First Light Community Foundation requires the following information to support an application for funding for salaries and/or wages and must be uploaded into the application:
Yes, the full meeting minutes of the committee/executive meeting must be included with your application. The minutes must include the following and be uploaded to the application:
Preferably you should apply at least three months before the event but no later than one month.
Simply scroll down the page to the 'Let’s get started' area, select the category that best fits the type of grant request. Then register your details as the person making the application in the section marked 'Person making the application' and click on the ‘Save and Next Page’ button. This will open a screen in which you can complete, and save your application.
No, there is only one grant application for you to complete.
No. Only mandatory fields are required, however the more information you enter, the more consideration your application will receive.
Yes, you can leave the application, just hit the save button first at the base of the page. To continue your incomplete application form, simply refer to the email sent to you labelled 'User Application link' and use your allocated application password to log back in and complete your application form.
It is most likely because you have not filled in an entry into a mandatory field. Check if there are any highlighted questions. If there are you will need to enter information into the mandatory field.
No, but if you have some relevant information you think would support your application then it would be advisable to attach it. There is the ability to attach a Word, PowerPoint or image file, please be aware that the maximum file size is 5MBs.
Uploads: In steps 5 and step 7 you will be asked to upload certain information. To assist you in completing your application have the following file available to upload as requested in the above mentioned steps:
Step 5
In Step 7 of the application you will also be asked to upload the following documents.
Job Descriptions, these are the written job descriptions that have been supplied to the individual to define their role and responsibilities. You may need as many of these as you require, name this file Job Description.
If you are having problems uploading documents/files, please make sure you have the latest version of Flash Player installed on your computer. To get the latest version, go to
Once you have applied you will be sent a confirmation message, acknowledging receipt of your application, along with notification of how many days before you receive notice of your success or otherwise.
The obligations of all applicants that are successful are described in the Terms and Conditions section of the application, please read this carefully.
Grant applicants can reapply as often as they wish, however you must complete a new application form each time ensuring quotes and minutes are relevant.
No, your information will only be shared internally and is protected in line with the Privacy Policy contained within this application, please read it carefully. If your application is successful, then First Light Community Foundation would have the right to promote the grant in their media communications including social media pages and website.
If you are having a system or program issue with the application, then please click on the help desk (Support) link above and let us know by completing the email support request form. We will endeavour to respond the same day if your request is filed before 12 noon or the following day if your request is filed after 12 noon. The help desk response will only be available Monday to Friday and not on public holidays.